Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Amazon Associates Programme

I never have allowed any advertising on my sites, nor would I allow ordinary advertising at this point in time. I do not like to be bombarded with advertisements myself and therefore would not subject any readers to it either.

There is a programme, however, that has been developed by Amazon wherein you can add links to items on Amazon to any post or site. As I do review books, games, films and music on my sites, it would make sense to add links to THOSE books, games, films and music to the posts.

I therefore am going to give it a try. I do not think I will become rich nor would that be my motivation, although I definitely could use any additional income that I might generate. What is nice about this is that there is an option to take your 'earnings' in the form of a credit for goods sold by Amazon. As I often cannot afford to buy the books, games and films that I would like to have, any 'referrals' that earn a little income for me would be most welcome. The way the system works is that if some one uses MY link to Amazon to buy the book, film or game in question, I earn a percentage of the sale. As I philosophically am in favour of supporting the arts and buying GOOD games, I will see how it works out. Perhaps NO ONE ever will use one of my links to buy an item on Amazon... but at least it gives me some hope of obtaining a credit for a new book or film... Furthermore, I actually would be providing a service to readers. If they find the book or game I am reviewing of interest, it is easier to use my link than to perform a search themselves. I have used such links in the past to buy a research book on Amazon.

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