(Scenes from the deck of a pirate ship in Second Life)
Lounging on the deck of a pirate ship under the full moon...
What better way to end the day than this?
The fact of the matter is, however, that no one can invest the soul of another with the ability to meditate or focus. One can use these 'creations' as enhancements but ultimately, one must go within oneself in order to make the experience more than an amusing diversion.
The world of Second Life is absolutely huge. Even so, there appear to be 'tourist traps', sights and malls that are glutted with traffic. Fortunately, places like this usually are admired from a distance. When I actually explored the ship, I was alone.
1 comment:
Beautiful scene, Freyashawk. You are certainly right about the crowds in 2d Life. I always seem to be either in a place with no people or with crowds.
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