Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The First Snowdrops

The ground remains frozen and it is impossible to plant anything or even to turn the soil yet. Yet, the first snowdrops have appeared in the garden, courageously pushing through the soil to reach the sunlight. It is easy to understand why the Snowdrop always has been associated with magic and holds great symbolic significance.
They are one of my favourite flowers, never sold here in nurseries or supermarkets, only found wild... but why should this be? When the crocus, daffodil and tulip are advertised everywhere, forced into early blooming, why does no one sell the REAL flower of the season and the most exquisite, the tiny snowdrop?


Mountain Gnome said...

Hi Freyashawk

I delight in the Snowdrop, one of the first bulbs to appear in the new year. Sadly, here in Europe, at the moment the Snowdrop's appearance has been outshadowed by Crocusses and Daffodils that are blooming far earlier than they should due to the general warming up of the climate. Our poor earth's natural timing is being muddled up.

Keep Well

Freyashawk said...

Yes, but our poor Earth has experienced this before often enough (by her perspective, not ours!) in the various Ice Ages and interglacials... One still grieves, especially when it is caused by our own recklessness in polluting our environment. That is nothing new either. If you look at the old Neolithic settlements and see how people had to move out after a few years because of the enormous mounds of rubbish they created, one realises we have not changed that much spiritually or practically, have we? We may not throw our rubbish where we can SEE it, but we have poisoned our water sources and our land...